
Fort Lauderdale Sex Crime Attorney

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If you are suspected of or have been charged with sex abuse or any other type of sex crime in South Florida, it is vital to have an experienced Fort Lauderdale sex crimes law firm by your side. At Whittel & Melton, we represent people charged with a full range of sex crimes, including:

No matter the type of offense, anyone accused of a sex crime in Florida is well advised to retain an experienced Fort Lauderdale sex crime lawyer. A seasoned attorney can help you explore rights and options and build the strongest possible defense. We help clients fight these cases head-on, working to get charges dropped or reduced whenever possible.

What are Sex Crimes?

Sexual offenses in Florida include:

  • Sexual misconduct as prohibited by Florida statute
  • Kidnapping or false imprisonment of a minor
  • Sexual battery
  • Lewd or lascivious offenses
  • Sex trafficking or prostitution

With so many sex crimes included in Florida statutes, relying on an experienced Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer to defend your case is imperative to protecting your rights and reputation.

Possible Sex Crime Defense Strategies

If you or a loved one has been charged with—or is even suspected of—a sex crime in Florida, a lawyer can help build the strongest possible defense in the case. The earlier that you seek legal advice the better chance you have of avoiding a conviction or reducing the charges.

There are a number of defenses available to people charged with sex crimes in Florida. Many have to do with the circumstances of the alleged offense or whether the sexual contact was consensual – wanted and agreed to by both parties.

An experienced Florida criminal defense attorney can start exploring these issues before charges are even filed, which includes gathering witness testimony, police reports, and other evidence to prove your innocence.

For example, internet solicitation offenses are often uncovered during sting operations. During these operations, police officers impersonate a minor to “catch” sexual predators in the act. There is a fine line between catching someone in the act and pushing someone into committing a crime.

Your Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer will examine the situation and determine if they can make a case without making empty promises of unrealistic results. We will help you understand the charges against you and let you know your rights and options. Our team strategizes about how to best fight the serious charges you are facing right away.

Sex Crime Convictions Have Life-Long Consequences

Sex crimes are serious criminal offenses that can carry life-long consequences in addition to significant prison time and hefty fines. If you are convicted as a sex offender in Florida, you will likely be required to publicly register upon your release, which means:

  • Your photo and address will be listed for the general public to see and your criminal record could make it difficult to find and keep a job.
  • You may have to report to your local sheriff for status updates regarding your travel plans.
  • Maintaining proper registration as a sex offender, including all mandatory annual updates.
  • If a sex crime occurs anywhere nearby, you will be among the first to be questioned.

Life-long consequences of registering as a sex offender can also determine where you can live according to local ordinance, where you can work, what career fields you can work in, and places you can go. There are also penalties for not registering as a sex offender if you are required to do so, including felony charges. These life-long consequences are why it is vital to fight the charges aggressively with the help of a Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer.

Don’t Forget. You Have Rights. Consult with Our Fort Lauderdale Sex Crimes Lawyer

When you are accused of a sex crime, you still maintain your constitutional rights. You have the right to not answer questions from the police without consulting an attorney. You have the right to defend yourself and to confront your accuser. You have the right to a fair investigation and just legal proceedings. Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. Do not let anyone take your rights away. Our Fort Lauderdale sex crimes attorneys are here to preserve your rights.

Resources for Sex Crime Defendants

If you are facing allegations of a sex crime, there are many resources to explore.

  • The Innocence Project is a non-profit that fights to end wrongful convictions and works toward exonerating the wrongfully convicted.
  • National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws is an organization that fights to change laws related to sexual offenses to preserve the constitutional rights of the accused. The organization works to promote fair trials for the accused and supports rehabilitation into society after a sentence is complete.
  • Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws is an active organization “dedicated to protecting the Constitution by restoring the civil rights of registrants and their families.” They provide support for registrants and families, education on sex offense laws, advocate for fair laws, and provide programming to promote the constitutional civil rights of families.
  • Ethical Treatment for All Youth advocates “for the humane and just treatment of children and teenagers accused of violating sex laws.” The organization also provides support for families, advocates for fair treatment of juveniles accused of violating sex laws, and promotes ethical treatment of these young people as they deal with the accusations against them and a harsh legal system.
  • Sexual Assault Rights and Resources is a comprehensive resource for sexual assault survivors, families, and the wrongfully accused. Through their resources, the wrongfully accused can learn more about navigating the criminal justice system. There is also a dedicated guide for college students discussing your rights to due process, a fair investigation, and reviewing school procedures as well as criminal investigations.

The most valuable resource to you is an experienced sex crimes attorney. If you are facing any allegations or charges for a sex crime, having a skilled sex crime defense lawyer in your corner can help preserve your rights as you defend your case.

Contact a Fort Lauderdale Sex Crimes Law Firm Today. We Have Offices in Boca Raton and More.

The Fort Lauderdale sex crimes attorneys at Whittel & Melton represent clients throughout Florida who have been charged with a wide variety of offenses, including sexual assault, rape, internet solicitation, and child pornography.

Our attorneys work tirelessly to fight these charges head-on. We have offices throughout the state, including in Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Ocala, Gainesville, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale. Contact us online or call 866-608-5529 for a free evaluation with a Fort Lauderdale sex crimes lawyer.

Client Reviews
"Could never see myself using any other law firm. My case was a difficult one it was handled with perfection and extreme professionalism." R. B.
"The staff was very professional and attentive. They answered all my questions and walked me through the process step by step. I was very pleased with the outcome of my case." D.W.
"The whole staff at Whittel & Melton was nice and always ready to help. However, I worked mostly with Jason. He demonstrated that he understood what to expect with our case and better that he cared about what was happening. I was very pleased with the outcome of our case." G.S.
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